Company profile
Parisa shafagh company, registered by No. 106649 in 5.8.1994 , Economic Code No. 116-753-311, and a trade unionist of service and providing human resources companies No. 648, carries the highest rank (3) from Tehran Management and Planning Organization and a confirmation sheet from Tehran Ministry of Work and Social Affairs.
Parisa shafagh has experienced personnel and workers in the service fields of cleaning with modern machines, management of butler’s pantries and providing human resources such as driver, accountant, operator, secretary, storekeeper, technical filing clerk, technical worker etc, constructing and taking care of green space, cooking & distributing food for governmental organizations, hospitals, airports and private places.
Parisa shafagh has good records and different letters of satisfaction from governmental companies. It has been working with governmental companies since 1995 with National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company. Parisa shafagh service company works as a human resources contractor and is active in providing human resources all over the world.

Contact us
Address:Unit 4, No.43, Sepand Street,Sepahbod Qarany Street, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: (+98-21) 88895380 - 88900644 - 88914408 - 88914409
Fax: (+98-21) 88895380
Postal Box: 565-15855
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